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8月4日升级API 所有脚本黑科技挂机软件将无法使用

http://www.candou.com 2016-08-04 09:20 蚕豆网 candou.com 0 条评论)

PokemonGo8月4日升级API 所有脚本黑科技挂机软件将无法使用,根据官网的最新爆料,今日8月4日游对API系统进行了升级,经测试所有挂机脚本以无法正常运行。


8月4日升级API 所有脚本黑科技挂机软件将无法使用


POKEMON GO API CHANGE - Reason for not working bots maps

Hey, I'm a Pokemon map developer and also I'm into botting.

Just wanted to told you all that Niantic changed the API in the latest update.

What that means?

That it is impossible to run ANY of the bots or a maps.

Just because now any non-updated connection (you know that mobile app was updated a few hours ago) is not getting any pokestops or pokemon.

You can do NOTHING so don't spam the forum. Just wait for the update but it'll take some time, some of the bot could be updated TOMORROW as a EARLIEST date, most likely 2-3 days.

This as a basic info, if you want to know more detailed info let me know in posts



10千米蛋精灵 5千米蛋精灵 2千米蛋精灵 伊布改名进化法 初始皮卡丘获得
完美度计算 各精灵CP成长度 技能及精灵排行榜 CP计算器 黑科技及脚本
紫队是什么 道馆防守精灵推荐 necrobot设置 踢馆需知数据 迷你龙坐标
账号申请及VPN 151精灵图鉴 先进化还是先强化 150万经验/天 快速与蓄力技能



标签: PokemonGo PokemonGo脚本无法使用


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