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Pokemon GO万圣节活动上线 可获取双倍糖果

http://www.candou.com 2016-10-25 15:39 蚕豆网 candou.com 0 条评论)

Pokemon GO万圣节活动上线 可获取双倍糖果,官方的最新公告,从10月26日--11月1日,玩家在游戏中可以获取双倍糖果以及粉尘等。

Pokemon GO万圣节活动上线 可获取双倍糖果

It’s Halloween season and we have a treat for you! From October 26th to November 1st, you’ll earn double the amount of Candy every time you catch, hatch and transfer Pokémon! Don’t forget your Buddy Pokémon, because they will help you earn Candy four times as fast.

If you encounter more spooky Pokémon than normal, don’t be startled, they want to enjoy the fun too! Scare up some friends, grab your buddy and enjoy this spooky, fun celebration with us

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标签: Pokemongo Pokemongo精灵 Pokemon


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