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精灵宝可梦GO新版调整 修复bug或调整技能

http://www.candou.com 2016-08-22 10:32 蚕豆网 candou.com 0 条评论)

精灵宝可梦GO新版调整 修复bug或调整技能,根据官方资料显示,官方对精灵宝可梦GO部分精灵的技能或属性进行了小范围调整,实现合理化,有兴趣的一起看下。

1. 个别精灵技能表被更改。)

2. 增加了稀有精灵的生成频率

3. 对整个精灵生成机制进行了改动。现在区域性“特有”精灵生成会比以前更加明显。同时精灵种类的“随机性”生成也相应降低了。

4. 道馆战的“躲避”被弱化,增大难度。

5. 孵蛋系统比以前完善了一些。“更精准了”。


he following changes have been made based on analysis of the latest GAME_MASTER file.

Dodging gets Nerfed

dodgeDamageReductionPercent: 0.75

Confirms dodge reduction is 75%.  A nerf to dodging. If our speculation is correct, this means that you will take at least 25% damage even if you fully dodge a move. This makes defending gyms a little easier.

Move Changes

Niantic has once again updated the movesets of various Pokemon. Checkout the list below to see what has changed.

Note: Move changes only affects newly caught/hatched Pokemon, so far.  Existing Pokemon movesets are remaining the same, for now.

What does this mean? Muk is offensively better. Golem becomes a better defender but a worse attacker. Chansey's defense improved, but still not a viable defender. Gengar improves with Sludge bomb, but he is still weak.

Gyarados only has one quick move? Loses dragon breath, severely hurting the Dragonite matchup. Porygon's defense improved, but still not a viable defender. Seel gets a huge nerf.


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账号申请及VPN 151精灵图鉴 先进化还是先强化 150万经验/天 快速与蓄力技能



标签: 精灵宝可梦GO 精灵宝可梦GObug


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